St George Street, Mayfair - The Crescent Gallery

Londresicône de chevronMayfairicône de chevronSt George Street, Mayfair - The Crescent Gallery

600 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



You'll find this modern Georgian-style gallery just off Regent Street in a quiet corner of Mayfair. With a large crescent window overlooking Saint George's Church and bright white walls, this space is the ideal accompaniment to set your exhibition, photoshoot or even sample sale apart from the crowd. You'll be in good company too, with famous art institutions such as Sotheby's just a few doors down, there's no doubt that this space matches its affluent trend-setter location.


Tarif dégressif : plus la durée de votre location est longue, plus le prix diminue.

Équipements (2 disponibles)
Accès handicapé
Bon à savoir
Though in an undoubtedly prestigious location, this street is a little off the beaten track. Reminding your social media following where you’re set up and promoting your new location is the key to catching the crowds.

Price is heavily discounted for the month of February.
Licence d’exploitation

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Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 18:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 18:00

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