Portobello Road - The Gallery Space

Londresicône de chevronNotting Hillicône de chevronPortobello Road - The Gallery Space

584 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



Immortalised in the Richard Curtis rom-com Notting Hill, Portobello Road and its world-famous markets attract thousands of vintage-lovers and tourists each weekend, as well as being home to a brightly-painted collection of boutiques, eateries and convenience stores where locals shop for everyday items. Located on perhaps the busiest stretch of the street, this beautifully white-boxed corner space is available to rent for all kinds of pop-up concepts and retail stores. Primarily used as an art gallery, this space is a blank canvas waiting to be filled with new ideas.


Période minimum de réservation 7 jours

Équipements (9 disponibles)
Accès handicapé
Cabines d'essayage
Bon à savoir
You’ll have stalls outside the shop on market days, however since the gallery is on the corner you'll still benefit from good visibility.

Week-long rental is from Monday to Sunday only.

No drilling, nails or hook on the walls allowed without written approval from the landlord. However the gallery is fitted with an easy to use hanging system free of charge to tenants.

Cleaning is included in the pricing of this space.
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 8:00 - 20:00

Weekend : 8:00 - 20:00

Les règles à suivre
The Gallery is let as a POP-UP art gallery.

The minimum let is one week and the maximum let is four weeks.

Week-long rental is from Wednesday-Tuesday.

Under "all other outgoings".

The rent includes central heating,
Electricity, Wifi, a music license for possibly an opening party for the artist exhibition, business rates, building insurance and waste collection. There is no service charge.

We offer a free PR and marketing service to help promote the artist's exhibition.

Furniture - the landlord provides one Vitra table and two black Vitra chairs; everything you may require to set up an art gallery are available.

Any opening party should be on a Thursday and start when the artist wants their guests to arrive and expires by 11 pm.

Covid 19 - the tenants are solely responsible for following the latest government guidelines in the gallery.

The gallery should always be kept clean when the artist is trading!
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À partir de £429/jour
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Comment ça marche
  1. Envoyez une demande sans engagement
  2. Discutez directement de l’espace avec le·la propriétaire
  3. Gérez les contrats et les règlements en ligne