Kensington Church Street – Luxury Boutique

Londresicône de chevronNotting Hillicône de chevronKensington Church Street – Luxury Boutique

357 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



This retail space is located on the ground floor of a building on Kensington Church Street, just below Notting Hill Gate and not far from Portobello Road. The unit is a decent size with a pretty exterior entrance underneath a timber yard sign. Inside, the space features brick walls painted pale tones, wooden floors, a pillar in the middle, and a small alcove in the back. The condition of the unit is great.


Période minimum de réservation 7 jours

Équipements (4 disponibles)
Volets de sécurité
Accès handicapé
Bon à savoir
The space opens fully on to the street behind a plate glass window - plan your display for maximum effect.
Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 21:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 21:00

Les règles à suivre
Landlord will cover up to £150 utility cost per month, beyond that will be charged to the tenant.

No signs are allowed to be placed on the pavement outside the shop.

Check-in: 9 am
Check-out: 7 pm

No gathering outside the shop and in front of the gates
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