Graham Avenue - Williamsburg's Neighbourhood Store

New Yorkicône de chevronWilliamsburgicône de chevronGraham Avenue - Williamsburg's Neighbourhood Store

650 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



This charming retail space for rent doesn't have the most dramatic of storefronts, but the address can't be beaten. You will be in East Williamsburg, a hip Brooklyn-based neighborhood known for urban art, trendy pop ups, and eclectic restaurants. Hummus Market, serving Mediterranean fare, is less than two blocks away. Easy Lover, a late-night bar, is a few streets over. Chic retailer, The 3rd. Floor NYC, is around the corner. The space has an open floor plan, hardwood floors, and a basement. It also has restrooms and a spacious backyard. A windowed storefront, and white walls create a bright atmosphere.


Tarif dégressif : plus la durée de votre location est longue, plus le prix diminue.

Équipements (4 disponibles)
Accès handicapé
Calendrier détaillé
Bon à savoir
The space doesn't have the most dramatic of storefronts, but you can't beat the address. A creative retail concept, or a specialty market like the popular butchery, The Meat Hook, that also happens to be on Graham Avenue, will catch the eyes of the steady crowds that can be found on this well-trodden part of East Williamsburg at any time of the day.
Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 21:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 21:00

Les règles à suivre
Landlord will work with the tenant to accomodate storage needs in the basement. Basement space is shared so tenant must be respectful of the space and utilize only their designated area.
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