Dawes Road - The Corner Gallery

Londresicône de chevronChelsea & Fulhamicône de chevronDawes Road - The Corner Gallery

516 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



Ready to make your mark in the heart of Fulham? Look no further than our stunning corner space on Dawes Road. This beautiful white-boxed gallery is a blank canvas waiting for your creative touch. Boasting large floor-to-ceiling windows, it offers the perfect opportunity to showcase your brand and catch the eye of passersby. Spread across two floors, this versatile space offers more than meets the eye. The ground floor presents a sleek, open layout perfect for exhibitions or retail. Downstairs, you'll find a kitchen, a creative studio space, and the exciting option of a studio music room - an additional feature that can be arranged with the landlord.


Période minimum de réservation 2 jours

Équipements (9 disponibles)
Bon à savoir
The listed price per day is for the gallery space alone, there is the option to rent the creative studio for an extra £50 a day. And the recoding studio for an extra £100 per day.

The downstairs area offers photography equipment including lights and tripods. These can be a valuable addition for brands looking to create content on-site or for events requiring professional-quality lighting. However, please note that access to and use of this equipment should be arranged directly with the landlord.
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 21:30

Weekend : 9:00 - 21:30

Les règles à suivre
If an event is happening (with more than 20 people) where alcohol is being served they must inform us and we can arrange a security guard to be in place.
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Concierge à Londres
À partir de £200/jour
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Comment ça marche
  1. Envoyez une demande sans engagement
  2. Discutez directement de l’espace avec le·la propriétaire
  3. Gérez les contrats et les règlements en ligne