Churchfield Road, Acton - The Artful Store

Londresicône de chevronNotting Hillicône de chevronChurchfield Road, Acton - The Artful Store

311 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



This charming 300 sqft space on Churchfield Road is full of character, featuring tall ceilings, crisp white walls, and a striking shopfront that sets it apart. A stunning art piece on the front of the building, giving your brand an instant creative edge. Perfect for independent retail, gallery pop-ups, or a neighbourhood concept store, this space is a blank canvas ready for your next big idea.

Équipements (6 disponibles)
Système de sécurité
Volets de sécurité
Bon à savoir
The stunning art piece on the shopfront is a real talking point—it stays as part of the space, adding an extra layer of personality to your launch.
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 9:00 - 18:00

Weekend : 9:00 - 18:00

Les règles à suivre
Any alterations to paint or the wall must be agreed with the landlord.
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