The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from. This week’s selections have been curated by Gastón Tourn, CMO of Appear Here.

“Suppose I were to begin by saying that I had fallen in love with a color. Suppose I shredded my napkin as we spoke… l fell in love with a color – in this case, the color blue.” That’s the beginning of Bluets by Margaret Nelson, a series of prose poems that will forever change the way you see the colour blue.

Volver by Pedro Almodóvar. This film is named after a tango that my grandad used to sing when I was a child. This line has stuck with me: "And even if I didn't want to be back, one always comes back to the first love."

As a Latino in London, I’ve always struggled with the long winters so my survival tactic is to listen to tropical music. There's nothing better to beat the cold than dancing to Guantanamera by Celia Cruz.

Kangocho coffee from Watch House. Their stores are perfection – they’re coffee temples. And caffeine is my only God.

The stories from the shopkeepers who are fighting to save the street. For example, Aimée Felone from Round Table Books – a London bookshop dedicated to the representation of diverse characters in children's books. Her determination to make things different for the next generation, and how she has used physical space to drive change in her community, reminds me of why we do what we do at Appear Here.