Regent’s Canal Showroom, Camden

Londresicône de chevronCamdenicône de chevronRegent’s Canal Showroom, Camden

1775 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


À partager



Housed in a pretty Camden warehouse that backs on to the Regent's canal, this space is currently used as a multi-label fashion agency. Featuring two floors of light filled, whitewashed open plan rooms inside, the space also benefits from a lovely outside decking area and small garden on the waterfront. This large showroom is available to hire for events, exhibitions, photoshoots and product launches.


Tarif dégressif : plus la durée de votre location est longue, plus le prix diminue.

Équipements (9 disponibles)
Bon à savoir
This is a largely residential area so any event ideas will have to respect the neighbours.
Licence d’exploitation

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Heures d’ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi : 8:30 - 18:30

Weekend : 10:00 - 18:00

Les règles à suivre
Office hours – Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 6:30pm

If the space is required outside of the above office hours, there will be an additional charge for the venue to be available.

The landlord’s furniture may be used. The tenant will provide a list of desired furniture items for use, for which the landlord will create an inventory agreement for the tenant to sign. In the case of any damage or theft, the tenant will be liable.

The landlord will be responsible for opening and closing the building at the previously stated office hours. This includes setting and disabling the alarm and opening and closing shutters.

The space will be cleaned once a week, on Fridays. This cleaning will include vacuuming the showroom floor, cleaning the toilets, taking out rubbish to the skips in the parking area, and cleaning mirrors.

Tenants will be responsible for general tidying of the space, including clearing tables of rubbish, cleaning crockery using the kitchenette, and wiping showroom surfaces.

Tenants are permitted to use the parking area for client parking when needed. A maximum of two parking spots will be allocated.
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Concierge à Londres
À partir de £1,975/jour
Comment ça marche
  1. Envoyez une demande sans engagement
  2. Discutez directement de l’espace avec le·la propriétaire
  3. Gérez les contrats et les règlements en ligne